




Scala Doc里的文档:

A ClassTag[T] stores the erased class of a given type T, accessible via the runtimeClass field. This is particularly useful for instantiating Arrays whose element types are unknown at compile time. ClassTags are a weaker special case of scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTags, in that they wrap only the runtime class of a given type, whereas a TypeTag contains all static type information. That is, ClassTags are constructed from knowing only the top-level class of a type, without necessarily knowing all of its argument types. This runtime information is enough for runtime Array creation.

For example:

scala> def mkArray[T : ClassTag](elems: T*) = Array[T](elems: _*)
mkArray: [T](elems: T*)(implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])Array[T]

scala> mkArray(42, 13)
res0: Array[Int] = Array(42, 13)

scala> mkArray("Japan","Brazil","Germany")
res1: Array[String] = Array(Japan, Brazil, Germany)

See scala.reflect.api.TypeTags for more examples, or the Reflection Guide: TypeTags for more details.


implicit def toClass[A: ClassTag]: Class[A] = implicitly[ClassTag[A]]


test("ClassTag should work") {
assert(classOf[ReflectSuite] eq toClass[ReflectSuite])


剩余内容部分摘自 Reflection Guide: TypeTags


There exist three different types of TypeTags:

  1. scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag. A full type descriptor of a Scala type. For example, a TypeTag[List[String]] contains all type information, in this case, of type scala.List[String].
  2. scala.reflect.ClassTag. A partial type descriptor of a Scala type. For example, a ClassTag[List[String]] contains only the erased class type information, in this case, of type scala.collection.immutable.List. ClassTags provide access only to the runtime class of a type. Analogous to scala.reflect.ClassManifest.
  3. scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#WeakTypeTag. A type descriptor for abstract types

=TypeTag=和=WeakTypeTag=的区别是前者保证了对应的类型是具体的,也就是其中没有出现类型参数或者抽象类型。Stackoverflow上有一个关于这个的回答:WeakTypeTag v. TypeTag

Like Manifests, TypeTags are always generated by the compiler, and can be obtained in three ways.

via the Methods=typeTag= ,=classTag=, or weakTypeTag

One can directly obtain a TypeTag for a specific type by simply using method typeTag, available through Universe. For example, to obtain a TypeTag which represents Int, we can do:

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val tt = typeTag[Int]

Or likewise, to obtain a ClassTag which represents String, we can do:

import scala.reflect._
val ct = classTag[String]

Each of these methods constructs a TypeTag[T] or ClassTag[T] for the given type argument T.

Using an Implicit Parameter of Type TypeTag[T], ClassTag[T], or


As with Manifests, one can in effect request that the compiler generate a TypeTag. This is done by simply specifying an implicit evidence parameter of type TypeTag[T]. If the compiler fails to find a matching implicit value during implicit search, it will automatically generate a TypeTag[T]. Note: this is typically achieved by using an implicit parameter on methods and classes only. For example, we can write a method which takes some arbitrary object, and using a TypeTag, prints information about that object's type arguments:

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

def paramInfo[T](x: T)(implicit tag: TypeTag[T]): Unit = {
    val targs = tag.tpe match { case TypeRef(_, _, args) => args }
    println(s"type of $x has type arguments $targs")

Here, we write a generic method paramInfo parameterized on T, and we supply an implicit parameter (implicit tag: TypeTag[T]). We can then directly access the type (of type Type) that tag represents using method tpe of TypeTag. We can then use our method paramInfo as follows:

scala> paramInfo(42)
type of 42 has type arguments List()

scala> paramInfo(List(1, 2))
type of List(1, 2) has type arguments List(Int)

Using a Context bound of a Type Parameter

A less verbose way to achieve exactly the same as above is by using a context bound on a type parameter. Instead of providing a separate implicit parameter, one can simply include the TypeTag in the type parameter list as follows:

def myMethod[T: TypeTag] = ...

Given context bound [T: TypeTag], the compiler will simply generate an implicit parameter of type TypeTag[T] and will rewrite the method to look like the example with the implicit parameter in the previous section. The above example rewritten to use context bounds is as follows:

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

def paramInfo[T: TypeTag](x: T): Unit = {
val targs = typeOf[T] match { case TypeRef(_, _, args) => args }
println(s"type of $x has type arguments $targs")

scala> paramInfo(42)
type of 42 has type arguments List()

scala> paramInfo(List(1, 2))
type of List(1, 2) has type arguments List(Int)

Scala TypeTag转Java Type


def toJavaLangReflectType(tpe: TypeRef): Type = {
    // (1)
    val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
    // (2)
    val TypeRef(_, _, params) = tpe
    // (3)
    val clazz = mirror.runtimeClass(tpe) match {
        // (4)
        // wrap primitive type
        case x if x eq classOf[Int] => classOf[JInteger]
        case x if x eq classOf[Double] => classOf[JDouble]
        case x if x eq classOf[Boolean] => classOf[JBoolean]
        case x if x eq classOf[Long] => classOf[JLong]
        case x => x
    // (5)
    if(params.isEmpty) { clazz } else {
        // (6)
        new ParameterizedType() {
            override def getRawType: Type = clazz
            override def getActualTypeArguments: Array[Type] =
       => toJavaLangReflectType(x.asInstanceOf[TypeRef])).toArray[Type]
            override def getOwnerType: Type = null


import java.lang.reflect.{ParameterizedType, Type}
import java.lang.{
    Boolean => JBoolean, 
    Double => JDouble, 
    Integer => JInteger,
    Long => JLong
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

首先要注意(1)处,=TypeRef=表示的都还只是编译期的类型信息(更多的编译期反射信息可以参考一个guide:[[][Reflection Guide: Symbols]],要构造出运行期的对象,必须使用=universe.runtimeMirror=方法获取一个=mirror=(:exclamation:这里还要好好看一下)。





// (1)
// (2)
// (3)
"""{"a": 1, "b": 2}""".deJsonTo[Map[String, Int]]
// (4)
    "key1": [
            "key11": [1, 2, 3],
            "key12": [4, 5, 6],
            "key13": [7, 8, 9]
            "key11": [1, 2, 3],
            "key12": [4, 5, 6],
            "key13": [7, 8, 9]
    "key2": [
            "key21": [10, 11],
            "key22": [13, 14]
""".deJsonTo[Map[String, List[Map[String, List[Int]]]]]



// (1)
new Gson().fromJson(/* 上例中(1)处的字符串 */, 
    new TypeToken<List<Integer>>(){}.getType());

// (2)
new Gson().fromJson(/* 上例中(2)处的字符串 */, 
    new TypeToken<List<List<Integer>>>(){}.getType());

new Gson().fromJson(/* 上例中(3)处的字符串 */, 
    new TypeToken<Map<String, Integer>>(){}.getType());

// (4)
new Gson().fromJson(/* 上例中(4)处的字符串 */, 
    new TypeToken<Map<String, List<Map<String, List<Integer>>>>>(){}.getType());


List<Integer> a = // ...
List<List<Integer>> b = // ...
Map<String, Integer> c = // ...
Map<String, List<Map<String, List<Integer>>>> d = // ...


// (1)
object gson {
    object implicits {
        // (2)
        implicit class JsonToObject(serialized: String) {
            // (3)
            def deJsonTo[T: TypeTag](implicit gson: Gson): T = {
                // (4)
    // (5)
    def fromJson[T: TypeTag](serialized: String)(implicit gson: Gson): T = {
        // (6)
            // (7)


(2)为为了支持后缀方法所引入的隐式转换类,相关文档可参考[[][Implicit Conversions | Scala Documentation]]。(3)处所定义的方法=deJsonTo=,带有两个隐式参数:


def deJsonTo[T](implicit gson: Gson, typeTag: TypeTag[T]): T = // 具体实现


声明中传入的隐式gson为Java里的Gson对象(这里由于同名,会掩盖掉外面定义的gson object)。传入隐式Gson对象是为了可以在使用时适配不同的自定义反序列化器,如此处默认定义的两个反序列化器:


object gson {

    object implicits {

        // 其他代码

        object default {
            private val gsonBuilder: GsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder
            // (1)
            implicit def create: Gson = gsonBuilder.create()

    // 其他代码


import gson.implicits._
import gson.implicits.default._


// (1)
import java.util.{List => JList, Map => JMap}

val jObj = """
        "key1": [
            "key11": [1, 2, 3],
            "key12": [4, 5, 6],
            "key13": [7, 8, 9]
        "key2": [
            "key21": [10, 11],
            "key22": [13, 14]
    """.deJsonTo[JMap[String, JList[JMap[String, JList[Int]]]]] // (2)


这里由于=default=对象中实际上并没有对=GsonBuilder=做任何定制,所以直接返回=new Gson=也是可以的:

object default {
    implicit def create: Gson = new Gson

当然,在不是多线程的环境下,所有反序列化用一个=Gson=对象问题也不大(但毕竟小对象频繁创建问题也不大,Effective Java的[[][Item 5: Avoid creating unnecessary objects | Creating and Destroying Java Objects | InformIT]]提到:This item should not be misconstrued to imply that object creation is expensive and should be avoided. On the contrary, the creation and reclamation of small objects whose constructors do little explicit work is cheap, especially on modern JVM implementations. Creating additional objects to enhance the clarity, simplicity, or power of a program is generally a good thing.):

object default {
    implicit val gson: Gson = new Gson



object gson {

  object implicits {
    // 其他代码

    object default1 {
      import java.util.{List => JList, Map => JMap}
      import java.lang.reflect.Type
      import collection.JavaConverters._
      private val gsonBuilder: GsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder

          new JsonDeserializer[List[_]] {
            override def deserialize(
                json: JsonElement, 
                typeOfT: Type, 
                context: JsonDeserializationContext): List[_] = {

              val value = context.deserialize[JList[_]](json, 
                new ParameterizedType {
                  override def getRawType: Type = classOf[JList[_]]

                  override def getActualTypeArguments: Array[Type] = 

                  override def getOwnerType: Type = null
               // (1)
               List(value.asScala: _*)

          classOf[Map[_, _]],
          new JsonDeserializer[Map[_, _]] {
            override def deserialize(
                json: JsonElement, 
                typeOfT: Type, 
                context: JsonDeserializationContext): Map[_, _] = {

              val value = context.deserialize[JMap[_, _]](json, 
                new ParameterizedType {
                  override def getRawType: Type = classOf[JMap[_, _]]

                  override def getActualTypeArguments: Array[Type] = 

                  override def getOwnerType: Type = null
              // (2)

      implicit def create: Gson = gsonBuilder.create()

  // 其他代码




